Ed's Observed Launches

These pages contain descriptions and pictures of Vandenberg SFB Launches which I have witnessed myself

SpaceX Transporter 9 Rideshare

2023 November 11, 10:49 AM

Was able to view this daytime launch from only a few miles away.   The first stage returned to the base a few minutes after launch.   The mission details can be found here. Launch details can be found here.

Click play to view the launch.

Click play to view the first stage return.

Minuteman III

2003 September 10, 4:31 AM

I got out of bed at 4AM, and the Livermore valley was socked in.  I checked the current weather at Tracy, and was glad to see fair skies.  So I made the 10 minute trip over the hill, got to an observing spot off of I-580.   I setup my digital camera on my tripod , pointed it south and waited for 4:31 AM.  Right on time, the  missile was visible in the south, shooting up at an angle, apparently heading straight for the full moon.  I took a series of 4 exposures over a minute and a half span.  Unfortunately my digital camera can only take a maximum exposure of 15 seconds.  Then it is busy a few seconds, writing to memory, before the next exposure can be taken.  I took three 15-second exposures, then panned the camera right and got off one more 15-second exposure before the final stage burned out.  I merged the first 3 exposures together, then combined them with the last.  I think next time, I'll use my 35mm SLR on bulb setting so I can get a continuous track.  All in all, I was fairly happy with the observation, except that the full moon washed out the night sky.

1372x540 pixels (336K bytes), 3434x1353 pixels (1.68M bytes), Starry Night Pro Map

Note:  If you look closely at the lower right portion of the large image (to the lower right of the Moon), shining through the thin clouds is a little orange dot  -- that is Mars.

For obtaining Vandenberg SFB Launch Alert notices by e-mail, visit Brian Webb's web-site.

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