Hi Ed,

 I was doing some analysis of your transit photo.  In the screen capture below, the blue arrow is my predicted transit path.  The green arrow basically moves west- at a right angle to the moon- from your observation site, to a point on my predicted transit path (37.7067 N, 121.4597 W).

Below is my "graphic guess" at actual track of the ISS across the moon:

Below, I used Rob Matson's SkyMap 6.6, along with my original TLE...

1 25544U 98067A   03311.56905964  .00014961  00000-0  18257-3 0  9012
2 25544  51.6313  17.3303 0006419 113.5906 246.5926 15.63752493  3410

to generate its prediction of the track, based upon your observation site (37.7018 N, 121.4473 W):

Next is SkyMap's prediction based upon the point on my original transit track (37.7067 N, 121.4597 W).  Since the observation point has moved west, the track of the ISS will move east: 

Next, I made of composite of these 2 SkyMap predictions, and your composite photograph:

Finally, here's a magnified composite:

It appears that, for the observation site, SkyMap's prediction is slightly east of the actual transit track.  If you'd been at the point on the original transit path, marked by the green arrow, and represented by the left (east) most SkyMap track, then it appears to me that you would have observed a near dead-center transit ... !
